Illustrations and Artwork
Video (click on image to view)
Audio (click on image to listen)
Oral History
(click on image to listen)
Written (public)
Written (private)
Secondary Sources
Quantitative or Statistical (charts and graphs)
PART I: America in the
Late 19th Century
Course Orientation
Weeks 1-2:A New Birth (and death) of Freedom: From Reconstruction to Jim Crow
Gilded Age: Industrialization/Labor Movement
Manifest Destiny: Transformation of the West
Huddled Masses: Immigration/Urbanization
PART II: America in the
First Half of the 20th Century
Muckrakers and Trustbusters: Progressive Era
White Man's Burden: Imperialism/World War I
Birth of the Modern: The 1920s
Worst Hard Time: Great Depression/New Deal
Good Fight: World War II
PART III: America Since
World War II
Iron Curtain and Red Scare: Cold War
Baby Boom: Conformism to Counterculture
Week 13:
Eyes on the Prize: Civil Rights and Black Power Movements
The Times They Are a Changin':
Social and Political Movements
Morning in America: Malaise and the Rise of Conservatism